Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Power Mall World Changer Boot Camp

Hmmm, where to start. First of all, I've never blogged before, so please bear with me!

I joined MPM about a year ago...haven't done much with it...just dabbled here & there. Well Ginny, our Founder, has decided to put together a World Changer Reality Boot Camp for people who are commited to helping 10 people achieve an income of $2000 a month. Can you imagine what $2000 a month would mean to most people??? For myself, that would mean I could quit my j.o.b. & not have to travel 80 miles a day (round trip). Wow!!! How awesome would that be??!

Now there are 20 people who have been chosen by Ginny & Jackie...they are laying it all on the line for everyone to watch...so I decided Hey...I can do that too! I can do that crazy World Changer Reality Boot Camp! I can lay it all out there for all to see. That way it keeps me going & keeps me honest (wink)!

Start with first visiting http://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/92917

Then for the boot camp http://www.worldchangerrealitybootcamp.com/

Then, contact me!!!

Meanwhile I'm up for talking to my 5 today...are you up for it?? Will you join me in working towards $2000 in 60 days? Because, Together, we can do it!!!

Julie Makeeff

P.S. If you aren't sure this is for you...check this out...www.TheTWCCTWsong.com
If you are anything like me...it will swell your heart with love & bring tears to your eyes. Not sure? Check it out for yourself! That is the HEART of this company!!!

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